
Duskwight Elezen - Sharlayan Archmage - Professor

Race / Tribe: Elezen / Duskwight
Gender: Male
Guardian: Thaliak
Age: 36 (ARR) / 37 (HW) / 39 (SB) / 40 (ShB)
Nameday: 19th Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon
Height: 6'11" (211 cm)
Birthplace: Black Shroud
City-State: Sharlayan
Current Residence: La Noscea, nearby Swiftperch

Early-Childhood: (age: 1-12) Marcquelort was born into a small family, raised by his father and paternal grandmother. His mother left the family at an early age due to unforeseen circumstances. Around the age of five, Marc’s father moved their family from the Black Shroud, journeying beyond Coerthas, past the Dravanian Hinterlands, until settling in the Sharlayan colony to start a new life. There, he grew-up, immersed and adopting the Sharlayan lifestyle. He keenly picked up on the arcanum arts on pure interest, impressing seasoned scholars to the point they took him under their tutelage.

Adolescence: (age: 13-17) When the exodus of Sharlayans to the Old World began, Marc and his family, having found their home among these scholars, migrated along to the city-state of Sharlayan. He continued his studies, growing up in familiar yet unknown surroundings, adapting to the pressures of learning and studying under established educators and the knowledge-versed society the nation had to offer. He furthered his studies in the arcanum arts, even declaring bouts with his fellow peers in matches to see who was the better arcanist-to-be.

Young Adult: (age: 18-25) Eventually graduating from the Studium and becoming an educator himself, Marcquelort became an established scholar in his own right. He pursued more in depth of his interest in the arcanum and other known magicks. Not wanting to solely depend on Sharlayan texts, he journeyed back to Eorzea, learning from its guilds on how they conducted themselves within their respective disciplines. Returning to Eorzea, Marc realized that all the knowledge kept by the Old World shouldn’t be held under lock and key to only be seen by the few. His mentality leading to sharing it with its sister cities and beyond would only better serve the populous. It is during this time the Duskwight comes under fire by his seniors for vocalizing this belief, especially those within the Bibliothec faction of the Forum.

Present: (age: 26-36) Now an accomplished educator and archmage, Marcueqlort travels between the city-states of Eorzea to teach. (Under strict Sharlayan guidelines). Despite most of his students being children and adolescents, he has taken a few aspiring young adults under his wing to train them in their chosen discipline of magick. And though Marc has become less vocal about his beliefs in respect to the Forum’s decision in keeping its knowledge in Sharlayan, he continues to act against them… within reason, just enough that he doesn’t get caught.

Fellow Sharlayan - Student? Senior? Peer? Though he may not know you personally, it is always exciting to hear what other fellow Sharlayans are up to in Eorzea and beyond.
Tutor - Need an extra hand in understanding a problem or a subject. Marcquelort can assist you in general knowledge and magicks!
Distant Duskwight - Seeing other of his clan is always a treat, Sharlayan or not. Though he isn't so close knit to this culture- he always loves to learn more and talk about it.